If you’re looking for a reliable and trustworthy Australian company that consistently delivers solutions, then you’ve come to the right place!

Since 1999, we have been specialising in the construction and maintenance of high and low voltage (HV and LV) underground and overhead power lines.

We work with shires or local councils, road authorities, engineers, farmers, business owners, real estate developers, and regular homeowners to solve their power supply needs.

We take the time to understand your unique project requirements and work together with you to develop a solution that meets your needs and budget.


In the Victorian Powercor Distribution Network area, customer-initiated works either overhead or underground (predominantly housing estates), fall into one of two categories.

These categories are either “Option 1 (Non-Contestable)” or “Option 2 (Contestable)”.

Option 1

Option 1 is where the project requires work to be undertaken on existing Powercor assets. Powercor and their subcontractors are the only ones allowed to work on these assets and therefore the project is deemed non contestable and only Powercor or subcontractors engaged by Powercor can undertake the work. In this instance the customer solely deals with Powercor from start to finish and Powercor will have one fee for the entire project.

Option 2

Option 2 is where green field (new) work can be completed in such a way where the existing Powercor assets are not touched or worked on. Contract power line construction companies, who are accredited by Powercor as an Option 2 contractor are the only companies who can undertake Option 2 work. When Option 2 works are undertaken, the work includes all green field work up to the existing Powercor asset but must stop before the asset. The Option 2 contractor will have a fee for undertaking this work, more than likely including the necessary project design, materials, and auditing process, in addition to the construction work. To have the newly constructed asset connected to the Powercor Network and energised, Powercor will undertake a network connection project and the customer will receive a network connection fee. In addition to physically connecting the new asset to the network the network connection project may also include replacement of existing poles, upgrading of existing overhead wires, installation of upgrading of transformers among other things. The customer then adds the Option 2 fee and the network connection fee together to know the exact project cost.

Where an Option 1 project is undertaken by Powercor they will undertake that work as per a design based on the Technical Standards for Option 1 works. Where an Option 2 project is undertaken the Option 2 contractor must first obtain an Option 2 design based on the requirements for option 2 works which are slightly different to an Option 1 project, with references to what parts are to be completed by the Option 2 contractor and what parts by Powercor. A design that has be created for an Option 1 project can’t therefore be used for an option 2 project.

Please note that at the end of either the Option 1 or Option 2 process, the new assets belong to Powercor and they will be responsible for maintaining those assets, but the customer will have paid for them in the fees.